Celebrate Shavuot-to-go!
Shavuot (a two-day holiday, celebrated from sunset on May 28 until nightfall on May 30) coincides with the date that G‑d gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. It comes after 49 days of eager counting, as we prepared ourselves for this special day.
Although we will be celebrating at home, it is no less of a celebration! The gift of Torah is given to us each year anew wherever we may be! Judaism begins at home!
Let’s make it the best Shavuot yet!
Includes: Holiday Candle-lighting kit, Holiday Companion with the Ten Commandments, Grape Juice, Challah, Dairy foods for you to enjoy + Ice Cream Party in a Box for the kids!
Drive by on Wednesday, May 27th, 5-6 pm to pick up your Shavuot-to-go, or get it delivered to your home! (Ice cream in a box- for pick up only)
Donations welcome!