Chana’s Candle Lighting Ceremony
Hi, my name is Chana and I’m excited, I‘m having a party and you’re invited.
It’s nice to learn and to know, Of our Matriarch Rebecca, long ago.
She Kindled Shabbat candles, we’re told, When she was only three years old!
Rebecca’s candles made the world bright, Soon I turn three, then I can light!
Mommy will help, to hold my hand steady, Flame touches wick, then I’ll be ready.
To cover my eyes, say the blessing, & see, My new Shabbat candle, so special to me!
Please come celebrate my third birthday, And hear the blessing I’ve learned to say!
We’ll listen to Kiddush on fine kosher wine, On delicious Shabbat foods we will dine.
Friday, November 15th is the date, At 4:00pm, I just can’t wait!
-Love, Chana