Ckids Tu Bshvat Celebration

The “CKids Tu B’Shvat Camping Trip” is an indoor program where kids will learn all about:

  • The holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the “Birthday of Trees”
  • The Land of Israel and its special sites
  • The “Sheva Minim”, seven species of Israel
  • And most importantly, about their own unique and eternal connection to the Holy Land!

The program will open with a special prayer for the IDF, and writing letters of support to the soldiers who are protecting Israel and the Jewish nation. We’ll then dive into the “Galilee Gardens” to dig in the dirt and plant; embark on the “Israel Trail” of games, competitions, and crafts; craft our own beautiful artwork in the “Tzfat Artists’ Quarter”; compete in the “Camping Survival Game”; and round off our day with a musical Campfire Jam!

Every child will get to take home their own “Tickle Me” plant, along with their beautiful Seven Species wooden masterpiece.


Jan 21 2024


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbos Candle Lighting

Motivated by a profound love for every Jew and spurred by a boundless optimism,
Chabad sets into motion a dazzling array of programs and services to serve Jews from all walks of life.

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