Kids Tu B’Shvat Resort

Ready to celebrate health and nature in the most unexpected way? The new year for trees is just around the corner, and we will be celebrating with a rejuvenating and nature-filled Tu B’Shvat resort experience!

Kids will explore all the resort’s provided amenities as they learn something special about Tu B’Shvat at each location. We’ll make natural soaps at the soap studio, fruity teas at the tea room, wholesome snacks at the granola cafe and practice meditation at the health club.

Tu B’Shvat is a time to focus on fruits, trees, growth, nature and the greatness of creation. Kids will learn the importance of having both a healthy body and a healthy soul while learning some tips for how to care for them best.

Kids will bring home a wellness package full of nourishing souvenirs they collected at the resort. The package will remind kids how important it is to care for both their body & soul, and how their good deeds are just like the fruits of a tree!

It’s where kids can learn about Judaism while practicing healthy habits and channeling creative energy. It’s not too good to be true—sign up today to reserve your spot!


Feb 05 2023


11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Shabbos Candle Lighting

Motivated by a profound love for every Jew and spurred by a boundless optimism,
Chabad sets into motion a dazzling array of programs and services to serve Jews from all walks of life.

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