King in the Field BBQ

Catch some delicious BBQ’d food while schmoozing with friends and community at 5pm on Sunday, August 8th at Collins Park, Clifton Park.

– Food – Crafts – Music –

It is taught that in the month of Elul, the “King is in the Field,” and G‑d is readily accessible, willing to hear our requests and listen to our fervent prayers for the coming new year.

Let’s unify on this special day and kick off the Elul season together!


Aug 08 2021


5:00 pm

Shabbos Candle Lighting

Motivated by a profound love for every Jew and spurred by a boundless optimism,
Chabad sets into motion a dazzling array of programs and services to serve Jews from all walks of life.

Copyright 2017 Clifton Park Chabad. Website by Carasmatic Design